Nano-infested doomsday RPG about cybernetic misfits and punks raging against a relentless corporate hell.
Nano-infested doomsday RPG about cybernetic misfits and punks raging against a relentless corporate hell.
The world is broken. In a collapsing universe, your crew is your only family. DEATH IN SPACE takes you to a grimy blue-collar future in a universe filled with risk, but also opportunity.DEATH IN SPACE is a game about adventure and uncertain journeys out into the darkness of space, where the void whispers to the unlucky and imbues travelers’ bodies with strange powers. It is about you and your crew making a home of your spacecraft or station, your only sanctuary in a dangerous universe. Most of all, it is about surviving in an abandoned frontier system where resources are scarce, and competition is fierce.Engage in power struggles and build your crew’s reputation. Salvage and steal to endure a ruthless universe. And above all, do anything you can to get that next job. Your life will depend on it.
A doom metal album of a game. A spiked flail to the face. Light on rules, heavy everything else.MÖRK BORG is a pitch-black apocalyptic fantasy RPG about lost souls and fools seeking redemption, forgiveness or the last remaining riches in a bleak and dying world. Who are you? The tomb-robber with silver glittering between cracked fingernails? The mystic who would bend the world’s heart away from it’s inevitable end? Confront power-draining necromancers, skulking skeletal warriors and backstabbing wickheads. Wander the Valley of the Unfortunate Undead, the catacombs beneath the Bergen Chrypt or the bedevilled Sarkash forest. But leave hope behind - the world’s cruel fate is sealed, and all your vain heroic efforts are destined to end in death and dismay. Or are they?
Gruzx the Ever Watching - the infamous villain of the lands - has vanished. Howls and cries seem to come from the old tomb. And now everyone is complaining about bad eyesight? Best tie your shoes and grab your sword, for things are about to get messy! ✖ A spooky 11 room dungeon with monsters, secret doors, treasure and weirdness.✖ Two (!) versions of the dungeon map - one clean and easy to use and one a bit more loose around the edges. But it's hand-drawn and funky and full of flavour!✖ Four full-page illustrations of scary, weird and disgusting things.✖ 8 original monsters with stats, special abilities and ideas on how to develop the story with them ✖ Emotions brought to unlife, a (f)lying skull, cancerous but quenching hate-water, a mutant goblin that is also a vampire lord, aberration feces boiled together into an acidic, lumpy stew - and much, much more!✖ Written for use with Lamentations of the Flame Princess, but can easily be used with any version of your favourite OSR game.
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»And one day, when the stars align and great powers older than our Cosmos gaze onto our swirling galaxy, then, the great Astrodea will again rule our empire in splendid magnificence!«–The Chronicle of Astrodea the GreatSomething stirs within a mountain on a forgotten planet somewhere in the Cosmos. Legends talk of a God living in the mountain, a God that has recently woken up again. Some of the inhabitants of the abandoned planet instead whisper of a mad wizard who has returned to the area. And among the elders there are still some who remember the disappearances and abductions many, many years ago.In the dark woods on the mountain there is a strange clearing surrounded by ancient statues, that only bold adventurers dare investigate. What will they find?Through the gate is a science fantasy adventure for old school roleplaying games, intended to be used with low-level characters. It details a wizard's biomechanical laboratory filled with odd objects, peculiar creatures and weird monstrosities to interact with.In this revised edition, layout and usability is vastly improved compared to the previous version.
Lätta dunsar på folkabussens tak. Förbannade tallkottar. Vi hade bott i det gamla fordonet några dagar och började tröttna på tillvaron ute i skogen. Sven hade tagit med oss hit då han hört att trakten var hemsökt. Det var då inte första gången vi dragits ut på expedition. Sven hade alltför mycket pengar, tid och fantasi.Så kom det där skriket några av oss skulle minnas resten av livet. Genom ett fönster kunde vi se en liten flicka. Ögonen var svarta, blod rann utmed hennes ena arm. Någon i bussen stönade plötsligt till av smärta. Flickan log illavarslande och skar som i luften med en rostig kniv. BARKHÄXAN är ett skräckrollspel som med enkla regler släpper fram historieberättandet. I boken finner du exempelvis färdiga bakgrunder för er spelgrupp, en äventyrsgenerator, skeenden vid de tillhåll där ni bor och några av skogens märkliga varelser.BARKHÄXAN är skräck i Norrlands djupa skogar.
You are a soldier during the Vietnam War. Exploring classic fantasy dungeons, with monsters like pigmen and lizard people. Fight the undead with machetes in swamps. Chase dark elves dressed as humans in the streets of Saigon. Combat giant wasps with Huey helicopters. Run through fields set ablaze by napalm and avoid the ambushing cobra-people Get high and fall into a punji trap. This epicenter of mankind’s fall just have one solution; find the source and..Background:Viet Cong has encountered one of many strange doors while digging tunnels under the jungle. The seal that kept the unknown confined for thousands of years was broken and its content of pigmen, skeletons and other fantasy monsters are spreading out into the jungle around the area. Intel concerning “Quái vật giả tưởng” have reached the CIA who has sent a long-range reconnaissance patrol to the site to help the Viet Cong. Nobody has seen the patrol after that.
This is a set of two pamphlet modules. Short adventures for Old-school games compatible with SKR and the best versions of the original RPG. Each printed on a singel A4 and folded twice into what looks like a museum pamphlet. Set 1 includes the dungeons The Ommadonian Ossuary and The Prison-Crypt of Mu-Ye. Both written and designed by Christian Sahlén and are professionally printed on heavy paper.The Ommadonian OssuaryDeep into the dark depths is a cathedral built from bones of men and monsters by an ancient death cult. The cult is gone, but some of the treasures they gathered remain. Everyone who knows about its existence also knows that you should not stick around for long, something terrible awakens if you do. This dungeon is about going in, grabbing something, and getting out in time to live.The Prison-Crypt of Mu-YeFar into the marsh there is a cliff with a large gate few dare to look upon. Legends say it is the entrance to the Crypt of Baron Mu-Ye, an ancient warrior, tyrant, and immortal vampire. Some legends call the crypt a prison, and some also say that the Baron was buried with all of his stolen treasures, but surely only desperate fools would dare to rob such ancient evil?
A set of two pamphlet modules. Short adventures for old-school games compatible with SKR and the best versions of the original RPG. Each printed on a single A4 and folded twice into what looks like a museum pamphlet.Set 2 includes the dungeons The Cursed Abbey and Crypt of the Crocodiles. Both are written and designed by Christian Sahlén and are professionally printed on heavy paper.The Cursed AbbeyA small abbey belonging to an order of demon-slaying knights far up in the mountains has long been cut off from the world by a most unnatural storm for over 30 years. Two months ago the storm lifted. A few days ago every single soul in the nearby village of Griert went missing. Local authorities are now looking for brave souls to investigate the Cursed Abbey.Crypt of the CrocodilesDeep in the desert, there is a network of tombs of forgotten royalty. It is said that the crypt emerges from the sand for just one week every 13 years and that those brave enough to enter seldom return. But those who do come back, do so with enough riches to retire, at least that’s what people say.The Crypt of the Crocodiles have now been sighted, this is your chance.
Deep in a haunted forest stands the abandoned Ravenfeather Tower. Strange to behold, but stranger still are the tales of curses, a bottomless pit, and stories of betrayal. Stories that nearby villagers eagerly tell whenever travelers ask about the windowless pillar of stone.The Tower Hollow is a 24-page zine adventure for SKR and other old-school games compatible with the best versions of the original RPG. It is written by Christian Sahlén from Stockholm Kartell, with maps by Niklas Wistedt aka Paths Peculiar, and art from the public domain.It is suitable for 3–6 characters of levels 4–6.
This is a set of two pamphlet modules. Short adventures for Old-school games compatible with SKR and the best versions of the original RPG. Each printed on a single A4 and folded twice into what looks like a museum pamphlet. Set 3 includes the dungeons The Unliving Court of Graemr and Hell Lost. Both are written and designed by Christian Sahlén and are professionally printed on heavy paper.The Unliving Court of Graemr A tunnel collapse revealed a hidden system of tunnels. Brave idiots turned up to investigate, but few of them returned. Those who did, brought back gold and stories of a horrible scraping sound from deep below. And stories of giants still living down there in the deep.Hell Lost The air is full of smoke and ash. The sky is burning. The ground is cracked and covered in rocks as sharp as knives. The walls around you have carvings of dead faces wearing painful expressions. Beyond the walls are only darkness and fires. It’s eerily quiet. The portal behind you inactive and cracked. You are trapped here. In Hell